Passenger CPC
Deadline for the Friday 10th June 2022 CPC exams, and their payments, is Tuesday 17th May 2022, after this date exam entries can not be guaranteed.
We can supply homestudy and/or exams only.
Passenger Transport Operations CPC update:
The exam structure will comprise 1 x 2 hour multi-choice examination and 1 x 2 hour 15 minutes case study examination.
It has been confirmed that there will be "weighting" of the marks for each of the two examinations. Skills & Education Group Awards has decided to go with a 60 question multiple choice examination and a 60 mark case study paper. Keeping the current nominal pass marks of 70% and 50% respectively will allow the 60% overall pass mark required by the Regulation to be achieved most simply.
The case study structure is confirmed as 5 to 8 questions on the paper with a maximum of 12 marks for any one question and a minimum of 7 marks. The case study exam is now 'open book'. There will allways be a Costings, 'O' Licence and Driver's Hours question in each paper.
With regard to mark allocation, most case study marks were historically awarded to candidates for writing down simple facts. In future, examinations will require candidates to outline courses of action and to provide reasoning to justify those courses of action.
Given the significant reduction in the number of questions to be answered, the pre-release senario has been abandoned and candidates will have to use some of the two hours and 15 minutes of exam time for reading and analysing the material. It is now definite, that in the case study examination only, students will be able to take any paper based material into the examination for reference.
The exams will take place in March, June, September and December each year.
Certificate of Professional Competence (Passenger Transport)
The requirement for a Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) is contained in the Public Services Vehicle (Licensing of Operators) Regulations 1985.
It is a DfT directive that requires somebody who wants to be an owner driver, to run a transport company for hire and reward or to named on the 'O' licence be:-
- Professionally competent i.e. A CPC Holder
- Of good repute
- Of appropriate financial standing
The qualification is in two parts with the course presented to allow students to confidently sit the Skills & Education Group Awards examination that, which once passed, proves competence.
There are two parts to these exams
- Unit P1 - Core, 60 multiple choice questions in 2 hours with 70% pass mark
- Unit P2 - Case Study, 5 to 8 questions answered long hand in 2 hour 15 minutes - pass 50% pass mark (exam open book).
All examinations are taken quarterly in March, June, September and December with a closing date of four weeks prior to exam date and an approximate wait of 6 weeks for the published result.
CPC Homestudy
We can also supply materials etc for homestudy in:
- Freight Operations
- Passenger Operations
You can then join us on the CPC examination day at our training centre in Totton, Nr Southampton.
Please phone for prices: e.g. Home Study, Exam entries or Refresher days.
All examinations are VAT exempt and, once booked, are non-refundable.