First Aid
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require empolyers to provide adequate and approporiate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. Thes regulations apply to ALL workplaces, including those with five or fewer employees, and to the self employed, and in particular Lone and Mobile workers e.g. drivers.
How much first-aid provision an employer has to make depends on the circumstances of each workplace. In assessing their needs, employers should consider via a risk assessment the:
- nature of the work and workplace hazards and risks
- size of the organisation and the nature of the workforce
- the organisation's record of accidents and ill health
If, having assessed first-aid needs, an employer decides to appoint first-aiders, the first-aiders must have a valid certificate of competance.
Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) - 1 day course
In general terms, the EFAW course may be suitable for low-risk work environments, such as offices and shops, Lone/Mobile workers and/or organisations with fewer than 100 employees. For regulatory purposes, successfully completing an EFAW course will enable the candidate to act as a first-aider in the workplace.
Our first aid courses are, on successful completion, are backed by The CPD Certification Service. They can also attract Driver CPC.
All training will be delivered in accordance with currently accepted First-Aid practice.